Layout archive

Screen captures

(This page will look better if you use a browser that supports web standards, although it can be accessed by most browsers. Upgrading to a standards-compliant browser will enhance your reading experience.)

This page contains a gallery of the screen captures of old layouts. However, I don't have a screen capture of version 0.1, my first layout. The small window on the upper right of each screen capture is Windows 98's System Monitor, and isn't part of the layout. Each capture is about 4KB in size.

If you want to use any of the layouts, please feel free to email me.

[ version 7 insanity in a box ]

version 7: insanity in a box (current layout)

[ version 6 vertigo ]

version 6: vertigo

[ version 5 index page ]

[ version 5 wonderland ]
version 5: wonderland

[ version 4.1 index page ]

[ version 4.0 index page ]

[ version 4.0 screen capture ]
version 4.x: ethereal cityscapes

[ version 3.0 screen capture ]
version 3.0: walking away from the chaos and confusion of reality

[ version 2.2 screen capture ]
version 2.2: minor tweak of version 2.1; fully CSS-based

[ version 2.1 screen capture ]
version 2.1: change of header image

[ version 2.0 screen capture ]
version 2.0: mad ravings, insane people and chewy pearl shakes

[ version 1.1 screen capture ]
version 1.1: frameless layout

[ version 1.0 screen capture ]
version 1.0: short-lived black & white frame layout

[ version 0.3 screen capture ]
version 0.3: blue & grey frame layout

[ version 0.2 screen capture ]
version 0.2: blue bar frame layout

[ no img ]
version 0.1

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